Find the root cause of your problems.
Tap Into Your Subconcious Mind
Past Life Regression
We unconsciously carry forward chronic physical ailments, phobias, dominant attitudes, and relationship dynamics that persist, from prior lives into our current life. Regression therapy is effective at resolving experiences from the past that are blocking our progress and happiness now.
This session will guide you to experience a past life. You will visit multiple events from that life, including the inter-life experience. You will integrate a new understanding into your present life situation, and learn critical lessons.
Past life regression can also be used to re-experience a past life where you had great accomplishments, and to identify specific personal strengths and positive experiences. It can clarify direction or life purpose, and bring a sense of balance and peace when undergoing difficult times, helping you to work through temporary difficulties.
Childhood Regression
Childhood Regressions are meant to help if you are stuck in an area of your life, or think you have beliefs, memories, or perceptions of negative feelings that you may not know the origin of. These may be caused by early childhood traumas or events that are blocked from your conscious memory. A childhood regression may reveal these hidden matters, so that you may heal and let them go.
Clinical Hypnosis
While you are in a very deep suggestive state of relaxation I offer your mind, powerful, compelling, positive images and/or effective ways of thinking, feeling, and behaving to create new positive patterns in your life.
This session is recorded and listened to repeatedly until the suggestions are learned over time.
Journaling exercises and affirmation setting may also be incorporated.
Progression Hypnosis
What if you were living informed by your future instead of your past? Have you ever done a vision board for manifestation? Progressing and seeing what you want in your future may answer questions regarding which choices you should make today. This session may help you to make proper and wise decisions in the present to attain that future which you desire.
Life Between Lives Hypnosis
This session is for you if you’re asking “Why am I here? What is the meaning of life?”
Using Dr. Michael Newton’s (Founder of the Newton Institute for LBL therapy) approach, this session will take you on a Life between Lives spiritual regression to your immortal existence as a soul. These observations may have a profound effect on your values, choices, and life patterns in your current incarnation.
*Not appropriate for anyone under 30 years old